NUCCA Chiropractic

NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) care features gentle, image-guided adjustments of the atlas bone, specifically tailored for each patient to correct misalignments and promote overall well-being.

Dr. Balraj (Raj) Dhaliwal Dr. Raj graduated from Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward, California. With a medical background and career working throughout Canada, the US, and India, Dr. Raj discovered his passion to heal and help others through chiropractic techniques.

Over the years, Dr. Raj has won several awards for his exemplary leadership, most notably Student of the Year and The Lasting Purpose Award during his studies. As a scholar, Dr. Raj served on the student council progressively as a representative, Vice President, and President. His leadership skills were built upon a strong foundation of discipline and respect honed over 35 years of practicing Taekwon-Do, of which he has a 5th dan black belt. He also travelled to India with Sant Nirankari Charitable Mission, donating his energy and chiropractic expertise 5 times!”

Dr. Balraj (Raj) Dhaliwal Dr. Raj graduated from Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward, Calif... Read More

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